Marie Shadows

One More ​Match

Wrestling Planner 2024

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Be ​creative ​during 2024 ​with the ​Wrestling ​planner!

7 Star Match Ratings

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Every year, wrestling fans watch wrestling and often times ​create content. Sometimes, at the end of the year, the content ​creators and fans alike forget most wrestling memories. ​Which is ok! We have life happening and all that.

One More Match - Wrestling Planner 2024 was made by a ​fan for fans and content creators and wrestlers to keep track ​of monthly reviews, content drops, wrestling gigs, and more. ​It’s designed to help track expenses, memories, achievements ​you gain along the way, at the end, give awards to your ​favorite matches, people, and more!

Take your planning to the next level with the 2024 wrestling ​planner!

Why Marie ​Shadows Writes

Marie Shadows always knew she wanted to be a ​writer at a young age. Her dream will forever be to ​write for World Wrestling Entertainment. Marie ​Shadows loves to create worlds, stories, characters, ​and more. She was a prolific fanfiction writer and ​has now transitions to writing what she knows: pro ​wrestling but in the form of fiction.

Marie Shadows writes to illuminate the world with ​entertainment and at times thought-provoking ​narratives that can teach different perspectives ​and to create conversations.

Reach out to Marie
